From: rudolph lewis
Subject: RE: [blackantiwar] I Apologize
To: "Marvin X Jackmon"
Date: Thursday, July 31, 2008, 4:07 PM
I Apologize for the Eyes in My Head
Marvin, it is difficult to follow you. One minute you want to go with Farrakhan and separate, to God knows where. Then you want to follow Baraka and follow Obama. Then you paraphrase the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, who saw no value in voting in elections at all.
Pray God, tell me, what value is an apology from an American government, which has on the whole neglected the plight of most African Americans for centuries? Don't we need something more substantive, first? Consider the following facts about the Negro condition from the research of Catholic Charities:
• The highest rates of poverty are among children, especially children of color. The poverty rate for white children is 10 percent, while it is 28 percent for Latino children, 27 percent for Native-American children, and 33 percent for African-American children.6
• African Americans, Latino Americans, and Native Americans are about three times as
likely to live in poverty as are whites. While the poverty rate for non-Hispanic whites is 8
percent, the rate for African Americans is 24.1 percent, for Hispanics, 21.8 percent, and
for Native Americans, 23.2 percent.7
• The most extreme poverty in the United States is concentrated in specific geographical
areas such as the urban cores of major cities and Native American reservations. These areas of concentrated poverty are the result of decades of policies that confined the impoverished to these economically isolated areas.
• Finally, we also noted the stark racial disparity in the distribution of wealth in the United States . White families not only have on average 10 times the net worth of families of color, but also between 1998 and 2001, their wealth grew by 20 percent, while the net worth of African American households actually declined during that same period.8
Thus the major demographic shifts of the present and near future force us to confront the
unfinished business of our nation’s struggles for racial justice and inclusion. As one authoritative study notes, “The color question is pervasive in our lives, and it is an explicit tension or at least subtext in countless policy debates.”9
The ghosts of our legacy of racial inequality continue to haunt us. Incidents of racial violence and protests against alleged brutalities; the racial inequities in the nation’s criminal justice system; the racial disparities present in health care delivery and access; the continuing controversies over affirmative action; the flood of complaints to government agencies over racial discrimination in employment and promotion; the popularity of “English only” initiatives; the presence of “gated communities” in our residential neighborhoods; the acrimonious debates over immigration policy; and the hate crimes perpetrated against those deemed different provide ample evidence that managing our demographic transition and forging a new American identity will not be easy. We undertake this task burdened by a history of racial injustice, social intolerance, and cultural privilege. charitiesusa. org/NetCommunity /Document. Doc?id=614
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 08:47:51 -0700
From: jmarvinx@yahoo. com
Subject: Fw: Re: [blackantiwar] I Apologize
To: wade2woods@yahoo. com; wordslanger@; ramal.lamar@; reggiegeneral@; ronald_bentley@; rraveneau@gmail. com; rudolphlewis@; ibespirit@yahoo. com; goddess_isis_ loving@yahoo. com; drbemc@sbcglobal. net; florbella@earthlink .net; Sheenacj1@gmail. com; damon.powell@; kwan.Booth@gmail. .com;; nattyreb@comcast. net; sfocityboyfilms@; simplyregal@; simplyrose2@; alibobama3@comcast. net;; mawusi777@sbcglobal .net; maybellesboy@; Mrdaveyd@aol. com; mreynolds@bayareane; el_my_7@yahoo. com; ebonique77@yahoo. com; drasheed2@aol. com; thesoulschool@; bluepride@hotmail. com; kheperashani@; atouchoflife@ sbcglobal. net; lily-suzyg@hotmail. com; arrowhead5040@; aryjenkins@att. net
--- On Thu, 7/31/08, Marvin X Jackmon
From: Marvin X Jackmon
Subject: Re: [blackantiwar] I Apologize
To: blackantiwar@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Thursday, July 31, 2008, 3:11 PM
All nations move in their self interest except so-called Negroes--they are more concerned with others than themselves, thus their status on the lowest rung of humanity. For sure, Native Americans, Asians and others look out for themselves. Here in Oakland, the Latino city councilman looked out for his people and upgraded their neighborhood. After three black mayors, the black community is in chaos, mentally, physically and spiritually. The mayors sold out to white interests. As Sun Ra taught, you wanne be so right you wrong.But the so-called negro is so open hearted (the very reason we fell six thousand years ago .in Kemet, according to Chancellor Williams in Destruction of African Civilization) . We let all the strangers come into our house until they took it over. Remember how people let drug gangs use their houses then before they knew it the drug gangs threw them out and set up shop. On an idealistic, romantic and spiritual level it is proper to dream like Martin Luther King, Jr., but in the final analysis, the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad will prove more practical. Call it narrow minded nationalism, but who do you think the Chinese care about first? Do you think they give a damn if negroes get a gallon of gas? Do they care if Africans get any minerals from their own land? Marvin X
--- On Thu, 7/31/08, Gerald Ali.
From: Gerald Ali.
Subject: Re: [blackantiwar] I Apologize
To: blackantiwar@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Thursday, July 31, 2008, 12:56 PM
Original Message ----- From: Marvin X Jackmon '''''But today America apologized for slavery, although the next step is reparations or payment for damages.'''' The European slaves, the Chinese slaves, the biggest group of all - the native Americans, and the Africans, that's a lot of reparations. ''''We suggest emptying the US treasury into the national bank of North American Africans''' And how do you suggest paying the rest ? Do you think there will come a time when you get beyond self centeredness ? What about the Africans, not only the ones in Africa, but also the ones in the Americas who also were slave sellers or holders ? What about all the European women, especially the British, the bonded slaves, from which many afro Americans are descended ? One can talk till king-dum-cum about ''black americans'' but lets remember that the majority are 'mixed'. [ Africans have searched the whole of Africa, looking for a person with actual 'black skin', never found one, every shade of brown, from the darkest to the lightest, they have searched everywhere for centuries, sent people out to scour the earth, looked in ever cave, climbed to the tops of ever mountain; the British colour coded the people throughout their imperial possessions, makes one wonder why so many are still British based in the way they think ] [If anyone does find a ''black skinned person'' please let the Africans know, it will lead to the biggest tourist boom ever seen or imagined, as multi millions of Africans sail the ocean to see the sight. It'll be the greatest fleet of boats ever seen on any ocean, the harbour of the Americas will be chock a block with boats.] So as they have ''European blood'' themselves, then they must also share the 'complicity in slavery', the inheritance from their euro ancestors. Cassius Clay, Mohammed Ali, Malcolm X, Jesse Jackson, Michael Jackson [the original] and so on, all mixed. There is only one true way of full reparation for all, give the land back to its rightful owners, the native Americans, they held the land in common ownership, communists, then all other groups make their peace with them, and then let them guide, following the principles of communist society, as to how it shall be utilised by all. The alternative of course, is repatriation of all ''black americans'' to Africa, it would only be right to make amends to the native americans, would you like to live in Africa, do you have any skills that would help it to develope, remember that drugs and acohol are not part of African society in its majority, nor the loose women, or the transvestites, get your bags packed. '''white persons - refused - this passage aloud in peer group sessions. ???? Some were deeply offended that I would ask them to read such words since in their minds they have not benefited from white privilege, thus have nothing to apologize for.. But we know the truth and we know they are in denial, a clear symptom of the addictive personality. ''' You are also in denial.They weren't even born then, they have as much responsibility as children. Do you not also benefit from ''white privilege'', the lands belong to the native Americans, how did you get your academic education ?The native Americans had their lands stolen, but they were also stolen from the lands, stop self centred whining.Talk also about slavery in general, through the ages, but also specific to the Americas, the European slaves, the Chinese slaves, the biggest group of all - the native Americans, and the Africans and any others. In Peace to Marvin and all. Gerald.------------ --------- --------- --------- ----
----- Original Message ----- From: Marvin X Jackmon To: blackantiwar@ yahoogroups. com ; Nathan Hare ; drjuliahare@ ; ; Nefertitti Jackmon ; ajackmon@hotmail. com Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2008 7:48 AMSubject: [blackantiwar] I Apologize
Time is moving fast these days. On Sunday at the San Francisco Theater Festival, I lambasted white Americans from not apologizing for slavery and neo-slavery. I noted that Australia recently apologized for the genocide of the Aboriginals, and France apologized for colonialism, although she said there were benefits for the colonized, revealing her residue of white supremacy.
But today America apologized for slavery, although the next step is reparations or payment for damages. We suggest emptying the US treasury into the national bank of North American Africans, along with the recognition of our people as sovereign, independent and free of these united snakes of america.
Below is the apology I presented in my book. It is Step Five of Thirteen Steps to recover from the addiction to white supremacy. To date, white persons have refused to read this passage aloud in peer group sessions. Some were deeply offended that I would ask them to read such words since in their minds they have not benefited from white privilege, thus have nothing to apologize for.. But we know the truth and we know they are in denial, a clear symptom of the addictive personality. Thus, someone must do an intervention because they are delusional and in need of detox. Maybe Tim Wise and others like him can assist white people from departing that airless room they live in. Perhaps the apology from the US House of Representatives is a start.
From How To Recover from the Addiction to White Supremacy by Dr. M (Marvin X)
...I apologize for all the white people, those in the south and those in the north of the United States, for their centuries of white supremacy actions against innocent North American African children, adults and elders, whom they treated with hatred, contempt and scorn, and even today hold such feelings when the Africans have done nothing to earn their bitterness except try to be loyal citizens who have fought in every war since the American revolution to defend this do good, rotten, corrupt and hateful society against all its enemies, although her worse enemy is herself, yes, the man in the mirror.
I apologize for all the lynchingʼs, beatings and torture of Africans in jails and prisons throughout this land, which occurred because those in power were under the spell of white supremacy thinking and harbor within them a sick desire to dominate and exploit those under their care. We ask them to confess their sins and ask for mercy.
I apologize for lower class white people, so-called white trash or trailer house trash, who have been duped into thinking they are superior to blacks but are often treated worse than blacks by upper class whites. The poor whites need a healing and understanding that they can only end their class oppression by uniting with the blacks rather than continuing their ignorant racist behavior for the benefit of the upper class white supremacy rulers. Lower class whites suffer wage slavery and the outsourcing of jobs just as black workers, or for that matter, even middle class white workers. For them to maintain racist attitudes that blacks want their jobs or that white power will ever come to them in their ignorant condition is poppycock. White power or white supremacy is strictly a ruling class family affair. Lower class whites do not and never will control the economic reigns or the political reigns, for such power is securely in the hands of the most intelligent devils on the planet, with the exception of George Bush, a mentally retarded person who made it to the presidency through family connections. Even his mother decried his entry into politics. I apologize... .
How to Recover from the Addiction of White Supremacy is available from Black Bird Press, 1222 Dwight Way, Berkeley, CA 94702, $19.95..