Tuesday, September 9, 2008

W.D. Muhammad Makes Transition

CHICAGO -- A nephew says Imam W.D. Mohammed, the son of Nation of Islam founder Elijah Muhammad, has died.Sultan Muhammad says his uncle died Tuesday. He didn't immediately give further details but says the family will issue a statement. W.D. Mohammed moved thousands of blacks into mainstream Islam after breaking with the group his father founded. He went by both Warith Deen Mohammed and Wallace Muhammad.
The Cook County Medical Examiner confirmed receiving the body of a 74-year-old Wallace Mohammed.

Muslim Leader Imam Warithdin Muhammad Makes Transition

Bismillah-r-Rahman-r-Rahim. It has come to our attention the great Muslim American theologian, Warithdin Muhammad, son of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, made his transition to Paradise. It was Warithdin who took over the reins of power when Elijah Muhammad passed in 1975. In taking the Nation of Islam into Sunni Islam, we felt he threw the baby out with the wash water, but in truth the Nation had become a din of iniquity, full of thieves, robbers, dope dealers and sexual deviants, the very antithesis of the personalities Elijah Muhammad had attempted to resurrect and reconstruct from the graveyard in the wilderness of North America. But no matter the failings of some of Elijah’s students, there were many whose lives were indeed transformed into better human and spiritual beings, while the rest got Supreme Wisdom but didn’t get it, and as a result the condition of many Muslims is worse than that of the deaf, dumb and blind Christians they decry. How is it that Muslims possessing Supreme Wisdom and Sunni Islam exist is such poverty they are the mockery of Christian and other Negroes, even the white man who is overjoyed whenever he sees North American Africans doing for self, thus relieving him of their burden, as if he is not the direct cause of their burden. This very day, he has taken billions of taxpayer’s money to bail out the international bankers who have defrauded millions of black, white, brown and yellow people of their fundamental wealth, their homes. Yet, the bailout of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae will not help the poor one iota, but is de facto socialism for the rich, while more poor people shall become dispossessed of their basic wealth.

Warithdin was steeped in Sunni ideology that is mostly reactionary religiosity—one only need look at the Sunni Islamic world with billions in oil money, yet the people exist in virtual slavery, poverty, ignorance and disease, from the Maghreb (Northwest Africa) to the Persian Gulf. In Sudan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and the Gulf States, the people are denied basic human rights and democratic liberties. Little opposition is allowed and except for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Hamas in Palestine and Hezbollah in Lebanon, there is no radical opposition to the autocratic regimes, unless we call Osama Bin Laden’s theology radical, but only in the right wing manner and the Stone Age Saudi Arabian brand of Islamic fundamentalism.

Toward the end of his life, Warithdin turned back to the do for self teachings of his father. In so doing, he mirrors Farrakhan who is also turning back to the Supreme Wisdom of Elijah Muhammad, since the teachings from his Study Guide carried his followers nowhere.

As the followers of Warithdin celebrate his transition, it is time for them to make a great leap forward out of the grave of reaction and let the masses see they indeed understand the teachings of Elijah was the ultimate truth for the present era. Clearly, the devil is the devil, no matter what time or place, and he shall appear in white face or black face, have no illusions on this point. We must therefore guard against being deceived, no matter if it is John McCain or Barak Obama.

Finally, Warithdin did indeed attempt to clean out his father’s house. But the sad fact is that after his mission, there yet remain devils in the house, faking as imams but have the intention to practice white supremacy domination and dictatorial authority using the Qur’an, Hadith and Sharia to legitimatize their iniquities, as in the old regime, making mockery of all that Warithdeen and his father attempted to construct. May Warithdeen rest in peace and paradise for all the good he accomplished. And may his followers heal from their sorrow and celebrate the infinite possibilities he engendered.

--Marvin X (El Muhajir), poet, playwright, essayist, activist, is considered the father of Muslim American literature and one of the founders of the Black Arts Movement, the most radical literary and artistic movement in American history. www.marvinxwrites.blogspot.com. He is now booking engagements for 2009. Call 510-355-6339. His latest book is How to Recover from the Addiction to White Supremacy, Black Bird Press, 1222 Dwight Way, Berkeley CA 94702, $19.95.

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