Friday, July 6, 2007

Dr. Marvin At the Healthy Babies, Project, Inc.

On July 2, Dr. Marvin began a monthly dialog at Oakland's Healthy Babies, Project, Inc., a drug recovery program for women with children, under the direction of Majeeda Rahman.
Marvin held a two hour session on issues relating to recovery from chemical dependency. Most of the women were not Crack heads but Speed freaks or addicted to Meth, and they were multicultural, including blacks, whites, a Vietnamese and an Afghan woman. Dr. Marvin let them know although he was a Crack addict for twelve years, he never used Meth but was in the house with them so he knows their ritual. Meth has reached the ghetto's of America because it is cheaper and lasts longer than Crack.

The poet told the women to give praise to Sister Majeeda for maintaining her facility and that it was sacred ground because many women were not able to make it to her sanctuary, but got lost in traffic, so the Healthy Baby Project is holy ground and they should take advantage of it and make it work for them. They should stop saying no and say yes to life, stay focused and disciplined, so they can recover from their addiction and discover their bliss or life mission.

Dr. Marvin read from his Land of My Daughters, poems, and gave each client an autographed copy. The women also read from the book.

The Healthy Babies Project is not new to Dr. Marvin. The first production of his play One Day in the Life, a drama of addiction and recovery, was performed with the Healthy Baby women at the Alice Arts Theatre in Oakland, 1997.,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very interesting Dr. X

War Without Terms,
